
Magnetite particle surface attrition model in dense phase gas–solid fluidized bed for dry coal benef



Bo Zhang  Yuemin Zhao  Chenlong Duan  Ligang Tang  Liang Dong  Jinzhou Qu  

Advanced Powder Technology ,2014,25:1031–1037

Dense-phase high-density fluidized bed has received considerable attention worldwide due to the urgent need for an efficient dry separation technology. This study on magnetite particle attrition model and size distribution change rule in a dense-phase gas–solid fluidized bed for dry beneficiation analyzes the complex process of magnetite particle attrition and fine particle generation. A model of magnetite particle attrition rate is established, with the particle attrition rate leveling off gradually with the attrition time in the dense-phase gas–solid fluidized bed. Magnetite particle attrition in the dense-phase gas–solid fluidized bed is consistent with Rittinger’s surface theory, where the change in surface area of magnetite particles is proportional to the total excess kinetic energy consumed and the total attrition time. An attrition experiment of magnetite particles is conducted in a laboratory-scale dense-phase gas–solid fluidized bed for dry beneficiation.

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