Experimental design of oily bubbles in oxidized coal flotation
夏文成 杨建国
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi ,2013,29(4):130-135
摘要:Oxidized coal is difficult to float using oily collectors in the conventional flotation process. This study was aimed at designing theflotation process, namely the oily bubble flotation process, to float oxidized coal efficiently. The flotation process using oily bubbles is thoroughly described. The study compared using oily bubbles and air bubbles to float oxidized coal. Some properties of oxidized coalare similar to lignite. Therefore, oxidized coal should also be recovered efficiently. The flotation collectors have a great effect on theflotation process of oxidized coal. The floatability of Taixi oxidized coal can be improved by surface activation or grinding. The microwave pretreatment can improve the hydrophobicity of oxidized coal by decreasing the moisture content of oxidized coal. The flotation results show that the oily bubble flotation process can obtain higher combustible matter recovery than the conventional flotation process. Theflotation efficiency index using oily bubbles is also higher than that using air bubbles.